Oct 15, 2024  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Academic Programs

Office of Student Success

“Retention is the Outcome….Graduation is the Goal!” The mission of the Student Academic Success Office (SASO) is to improve retention and graduation rates of Xavier students, particularly by providing support and programs that focus on first-year students and students who are academically at risk. This is accomplished through intrusive academic advising and support initiatives that include:

  1. Designing and implementing academic programs and services to improve retention and graduation rates;
  2. Advising and monitoring the academic progress of academic probationary students, transfer students, student athletes, and Deciding Majors;
  3. Providing academic enhancement resources;
  4. Providing academic support through peer tutoring and supplemental instruction via the academic resource centers (reading, writing, mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry); and
  5. Coordinating an Early Alert System of monitoring and mentoring of students.

Academic Programs and Advising

The Office of Student Success staff provides a support system for students to assist in their academic development and progress through a nurturing and mentoring environment. This environment fosters a sense of hope and pride in all students, while stimulating their intellectual growth by providing tools for academic excellence. The Office of Student Success offers the following programs and services:

  • Intrusive Academic Advising
  • Academic Retreats
  • Keys to Success Workshops
  • Supplemental Instruction
  • Academic Support via tutoring
  • Summer Bridge Programs for Newly Admitted Freshmen and Possible Transfer Students

Deciding Majors

The Student Academic Success Office provides advising and support for students who are identified as Deciding Majors. Students are allowed to remain a Deciding Major for two semesters. An additional semester is allowed for students who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and require an additional semester to meet the GPA requirement of their intended major. Permission to remain as a Deciding Major after two semesters must be granted by the Office of Student Success.  After the maximum of three (3) semesters, students who have not been admitted or have not chosen an academic department ordinarily will be dismissed from the University.

Interdisciplinary Minors

African American and Diaspora Studies

The Minor in African American and Diaspora Studies (AADS) is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary program that explores the experiences, ideas, and interactions of people of African descent within the political, economic, and cultural history of the United States and on a transnational and global level. The minor helps students chart new and different directions of critical inquiry about the contributions of African descendants to the ongoing process of human development in the local and global contexts. Through a variety of coursework and community involvement, AADS minors will have the motivation and technical skills to contribute to a more just and humane society.

Students with a minor in AADS will be prepared to pursue many and most professional careers. Some will enroll in graduate school in the areas of African American, Africana, or Diaspora Studies, literature, art, history, music, and sociology. Others will choose to excel in professions related to the fields of law, public policy, medicine, business, public health, and international and community development.

Students declaring the AADS minor are required to meet with the Director of the African American and Diaspora Studies Program to formulate a suitable plan of study. Click the link below for information related to coursework.

African American and Diaspora Studies Minor   

Afro Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The Afro Latin and Caribbean Studies (ALCS) minor is a curriculum that focuses on Black Latin Americans, their history, influence, and contributions in numerous intellectual and cultural endeavors. This little known, highly marginalized society of Afro Latin Americans forms virtually one-third of the population of Latin America and has served as the great labor force and cultural contributors to their communities and their countries; yet they are the forgotten, ignored, and isolated peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The ALCS minor is designed in part to counter the lack of awareness and often deliberate neglect of African historical, cultural, artistic, linguistic and economic contributions to both the Western Hemisphere and many of the older European civilizations. The courses listed in the curriculum below include the study of the Diaspora and its multilingual and multicultural manifestations in Spanish, French, Portuguese, English, and the various Creole languages and heritages that evolved as a result of the establishment of communities of color from the beginning of the colonies in the Americas.

In order to fulfill the requirements of the minor, students must take 6 hours of required courses, 6 hours of Languages courses, and 6 hours of interdisciplinary courses.

Afro Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ALCS) Minor  


Bioethics is the study of the ethical dimensions inherent in medical and scientific research, the delivery and practice of health care, and the creation of national and global health policy. In addition to normative analysis, the study of these important topics requires critical examination of the philosophical and theological underpinnings, social and political context, and cultural variables that shape and transform medicine and the life sciences. For this reason, Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field that brings different methodological and conceptual analyses to a core set of concerns that includes: the doctor-patient relationship, the allocation of scarce medical resources, the relationship between human beings and the natural environment, scientific and medical experimentation, access to healthcare, assisted dying and end-of-life care, genetic engineering and enhancement, and advances in biotechnology, genetics, and neuroscience. Click the link below for information related to coursework.

Bioethics Minor  

Digital Humanities

This is an 18 hour minor in digital humanities which consists of one introductory course (1000 level), two skills courses (2000 level) and three applied courses (3000-4000 level). The minor planning team has defined the vision of the minor as grounded in data science and social justice. It is designed to teach students the skills of the humanities: critical thinking, persuasive communication, and engagement with humanist subject matter. Students will learn technical tools for humanistic inquiry and that technologies are not neutral but are developed out of social and political contexts and assumptions. This minor offers students a unique opportunity to learn the habits of thought offered through humanities with an emphasis on digital tools used frequently in business and industry. CAS will become a leader in preparing students with the emerging skills required to work in 21st century cultural organizations.

Digital Humanities Minor  

Women’s Studies

The Women’s Studies Minor is offered under the coordination of the Women’s Studies Coordinator. The interdisciplinary approach of the Women’s Studies Minor is designed to assist the student to develop a comprehensive body of knowledge that critically analyzes the gendering process from a multidisciplinary perspective, illuminated via themes drawn from the humanities, languages, and the social sciences. Click the link below for information related to coursework.

Women’s Studies Minor   

Pre-Professional Support

Xavier is committed to providing support for students who aspire to enter and succeed in graduate and professional schools after they leave XULA. To this end Xavier provides each student an academic advisor in his/her major area, pre-professional advisors in Pre-Engineering, Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry, and Pre-Pharmacy, and comprehensive programs designed to help facilitate a student’s entry into post-graduate study. Xavier’s success in placing students into these programs is a direct result of the distribution of the advising process and the close cooperation of all advisory programs.

Engineering Professions

Pre-Engineering is coordinated by the Director of Dual Degree Engineering Programs. The Director provides information and advice concerning engineering school admissions and coordinates Xavier’s Dual Degree Engineering programs.

Dual Degree Engineering Programs

The Xavier University Dual Degree Engineering Program is designed to provide a solid academic background in the sciences and mathematics that are essential to persons who are interested in becoming engineers. At Xavier, students take about three years of basic science, mathematics, engineering, and liberal arts courses. The Dual Degree Engineering curriculum consists of a number of curriculum options. For more information about these options, students should consult with the Director of Dual Degree Engineering Programs. When the three-year program is completed successfully, students transfer to an Engineering School to complete training in a specialized area of engineering. It is expected that students will, with normal course loads, be able to complete their undergraduate training in about two years at the Engineering School of their choice. Xavier has current agreements with the following Engineering Schools: Binghamton University, Tulane University, and University of Notre Dame. These agreements do not, however, preclude students from choosing to attend other Engineering Schools.

Students in the Dual Degree Engineering Program should submit the application for a degree from Xavier at least one semester prior to their graduation from the Engineering school. In instances where the engineering degree program is not completed, Xavier will, upon petition by the individual student, evaluate this student’s total academic record for consideration of this student’s eligibility for a B.A. or B.S. Degree in Physics, Biology, Computer Science, or Chemistry from Xavier.

The objectives of the Dual Degree Engineering Program (DDEP) are to:

  1. Provide all students admitted to the program with the counseling, academic, and other support services that will maximize their opportunity for completion of the first three years of the program;
  2. Offer a curriculum that will provide students with the optimum set of courses essential to the pursuit of a variety of engineering programs they might choose upon entry into an Engineering School;
  3. Provide the academic preparation in essential engineering background courses to ensure that students will be maximally prepared to successfully complete the last two years of the dual degree program at the engineering school of their choice; and
  4. Assist students in the identification of financial assistance (e.g., scholarships, internships, etc.) during their matriculation at Xavier and during their transition to engineering school.

Law Profession

The Political Science Department provides Pre-Law Advising to all interested students regarding:

  • Course selection, potential minors, internships, course electives and summer study programs to enhance a student’s chances for law school admission; and
  • The law school application process, including: the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) preparation strategies; Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) procedure; law school selection; application preparation; law school visitation and financial aid information.

In addition, the Pre-Law Advisor works in conjunction with the GradStar Program to assist students in preparing for law school.

In its Pre-Law Handbook, the Law School Admissions Council recommends no particular undergraduate program as the ideal preparation for law school. Any undergraduate program which encourages the development of skills in reasoning, critical reading, writing, and oral communication provides an excellent background for law school.

The Pre-Law Advisor does, however, suggest specific courses which prelaw students may find helpful. Thus, it is recommended that a student use his/her Core Curriculum requirements, minor, and free electives to take courses. Pre-Law students eligible for honors English and History courses are strongly advised to take advantage of these opportunities. For course selections, students should consult the Pre-Law advisor and the Academic Advisor.

Premedical Program

Xavier’s Premedical Program is designed to help qualified students gain entry into and succeed in medical school, dental school, veterinary school, optometry school, podiatry school, and other types of health professions schools (with the exception of pharmacy). The Program is designed to complement, not supplant, support provided by academic advisors within the student’s major department. The Premedical Program provides a variety of information, motivational activities, advice, and individual assistance throughout a student’s enrollment at the University. The Program begins with a series of group workshops, known as the Biomedical Honor Corps, for freshman and transfer premed students during their first year at Xavier. In subsequent years, group activities gradually decrease and are replaced by an increasing number of one-on-one advising sessions, step-by-step assistance in preparing applications for summer programs and/or health professions schools, and assistance in preparing for the entrance exams required for admission into health professions schools. Xavier students (regardless of major) who hope to enter medical and other types of health professional schools are encouraged to sign-in with the Premedical Office during their first Xavier registration. After doing so, students receive weekly premed advising emails and are encouraged to participate in premed advising activities that are designed to maximize competitiveness for admission into health professions schools. Students are encouraged to proactively engage in the advising activities conducted by the Premedical Office throughout their enrollment at the University.

Pre-Health Professions Coursework

Students interested in pursuing careers in the health professions, which include but are not limited to dentistry, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, podiatric medicine, and veterinary medicine, are not required to major in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, or any other academic discipline. Perspective on choosing a college major for students interested in health careers is available here.  In addition to the insight offered on the Premedical Office’s website about choosing a major, we encourage students to select a major that will not only prepare them for admission into and successful completion of health professions school but also afford them options for graduate study or employment should they not enroll in medical, dental, or another type of health professions school.

The information below is only an overview of pre-health professions requirements. Students interested in enrolling in health professions schools should express this intention to their academic advisors and the Premedical Office during their first Xavier registration. Those interested in pharmacy should contact Xavier University’s Chemistry Pre-Pharmacy Advisor.

Basic Requirements: Typically, medical, osteopathic medical, dental, veterinary, optometry, podiatry school, and some other types of health professions schools require one year of:

  • General Biology with laboratory,
  • General Chemistry with laboratory,

Additional required coursework usually consists of:

  • Organic Chemistry with laboratory,
  • General Physics with laboratory,
  • Biochemistry,
  • College Mathematics, (a statistics course is required by some schools), and
  • English Composition at the college level.

In addition to the basic course requirements listed above, there may be additional courses that are required by individual health professions schools. Students should also be aware that health professions schools may (or may not) accept required courses that are completed online, at a community college, or through Advanced Placement (AP), even if such courses are accepted as transfer credit by Xavier University. Therefore, it is imperative that students regularly review the requirements for each of the health professions schools to which they plan to apply.

Although calculus may be required for some degrees at Xavier, it is generally not required for admission into health professions schools. A number of health professions schools, however, do require a course in statistics; additionally, entrance exams like the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) list statistics as a necessary competency. Again, it is imperative that students regularly review school-specific (and entrance exam-specific) requirements to ensure that all requirements are satisfied in a timely fashion.

Some health professions schools may also require/recommend one or more advanced courses in science, one or more courses in the social sciences, or specialized courses such as General Zoology (for veterinary school), Optics (optometry school), or a ceramics or sculpture course to help cultivate manual dexterity skills (for dental school).  Students interested in applying to medical, dental, and other health professions schools should refer to up-to-date publications that provide detailed information regarding entry requirements for individual medical, dental, etc. schools [e.g. Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR), the official online resource made available by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC); ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools, the official book published by the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), etc.].

Additional Courses Recommended: It is strongly recommended that students interested in the health professions consider taking at least two (2) of the following advanced biology courses while at Xavier:

Health Professions Schools Entrance Exams: It is strongly recommended that students interested in the health professions carefully review the entrance exam requirements for the schools to which they plan to apply.  Further, students should regularly review the ever-changing content and competencies of entrance exams such as the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Dental Admission Test (DAT), Optometry Admission Test (OAT), Graduate Record Exam (GRE), etc. to ensure that they complete the necessary courses prior to taking these entrance exams the year before they hope to enter health professions school.

Recommended Scheduling of Science Courses: The Departments of Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology have special degree programs for students interested in the health professions. Students in those departments should follow their department’s program of study designated as “Premedical” or “Pre-professional.” Please note that students in the program get a degree in the subject area, i.e., in Biology, Chemistry, or Psychology, not in “Premed.”

Students interested in medicine, dentistry, or other health professions who major in disciplines other than Biology, Chemistry, or Premedical Psychology can use the schedule of courses outlined in the following link to prepare their semester-by-semester course plans at Xavier:


Students in most majors at Xavier can follow the general “premed” schedule by choosing a chemistry minor or double concentration in biology and chemistry, using free electives and core requirements to satisfy any other required coursework while also satisfying their major degree requirements.  As mentioned previously, students who are interested in applying to health professions schools, regardless of major or classification, should sign-in with the Premedical Office during their first Xavier registration and actively engage in premed advising activities throughout enrollment at the University. Students must carefully review requirements for all health professions schools of interest, entrance exam content areas, and Xavier degree requirements to ensure that they enroll in the necessary courses in a timely fashion.

Early Medical School Acceptance and Other Partnership Programs

The following health professions schools currently have special partnerships with Xavier University of Louisiana:

  • Tulane University Medical School Early Assurance Program
  • University of Rochester Medical School Early Assurance Program
  • St. Louis University Medical School Pre-Medical Scholars Program for Early Acceptance
  • Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Early Assurance Program
  • Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Mission SMART Initiative
  • Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Early Assurance Program
  • ​LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Medical School Early Assurance Program
  • Baylor College of Medicine BS/MD Program
  • University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine PASS-HBCU Program
  • ​Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine Xavier-Mayo Alliance Early Assurance Program
  • SUNY Downstate Medical School Early Medical Education Program
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham Dental School Early Assurance Program
  • University of Southern California School of Dentistry Conditional Admissions Assurance Program
  • Rush University College of Nursing Preferential Admission Program
  • University of Southern California Doctor of Physical Therapy Program

Program descriptions are available here

All partnership programs with health professions schools are discussed in detail during the Biomedical Honor Corps Meetings (for all new freshman and transfer premed students at Xavier) and during one-on-one premed assessment meetings which are held at strategic times during the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years. There are very specific major, GPA, and coursework requirements that must be met by specific deadlines to be eligible for these programs.  As a result, students are encouraged to begin familiarizing themselves with and satisfying the requirements starting in the fall semester of the freshman year. Engagement in advising activities conducted by the Premedical Office is one of several factors that premed advisors consider when reviewing students for partnership program endorsement.

Special note about early acceptance and other special admission programs: The special partnership programs detailed above are not the only such “assured acceptance” programs that may be available to undergraduate students.  Students should inquire with other medical, dental, and other health professions schools of interest about special opportunities that may be available. Examples of such programs include: FlexMed early assurance program at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (New York, NY); MedStart early admission program at University of Toledo College of Medicine; Zucker Pipeline Program at Zucker School of Medicine in Hempstead, NY; and U of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Summer Premedical Academic Enrichment Program.

Special Scholarship Opportunities for XU Premeds

Prepharmacy Program

The Prepharmacy curriculum offered through the College of Arts and Sciences’ Chemistry Department prepares students for pharmacy school. Students wishing to pursue a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree through Xavier’s College of Pharmacy must complete 61 credit hours of the Chemistry Prepharmacy curriculum, as specified, prior to being admitted to the PharmD program. Students interested in pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree at another institution are also advised to follow the Chemistry Prepharmacy curriculum while at Xavier.

Students choosing to follow the Chemistry-Prepharmacy curriculum work closely with advisors in the Chemistry Department. The curriculum is designed specifically to conform to prerequisite course requirements for Xavier’s Doctor of Pharmacy program, but students interested in other Doctor of Pharmacy programs may also follow this curriculum.

Basic Requirements: Most pharmacy schools require the following as prerequisites for admission:

  • one year of general chemistry
  • one year of organic chemistry
  • one year of general biology
  • one semester of microbiology or anatomy and physiology (or both)
  • one semester of physics
  • one semester of calculus
  • one semester of biostatistics
  • one or two semesters of English composition
  • one semester of economics
  • one semester of public speaking
  • one semester of social science

For those students following this course of study who may opt to not pursue an advanced degree in Pharmacy, the four-year curriculum provides preparation for other careers or advanced study requiring significant background in Chemistry. Students choosing to complete the full four-year program should work closely with their academic advisor in choosing elective courses.

Students interested in entering Xavier’s Doctor of Pharmacy Program must complete the courses listed in the link below. Students majoring in areas other than Chemistry who wish to apply to Xavier’s PharmD program should work closely with their academic advisor in choosing courses to satisfy the requirements of their major program while completing courses required for admission to the Xavier College of Pharmacy.


 ROTC Programs

Xavier students may participate in ROTC at Xavier through a joint agreement with Tulane University. Students register for ROTC courses at Xavier and usually pursue these courses at Tulane or other local campuses. Students may enroll in the Air Force, Army, or Navy ROTC programs at Tulane. Through these programs, it is possible for the student to earn an appointment as a commissioned officer while working for a degree at Xavier. For more information, contact the appropriate ROTC program office at Tulane University.


The Dillard/Loyola/Notre Dame Seminary/Tulane/Xavier Partnership is a cooperative arrangement among the named Universities. Among other opportunities, the arrangement allows Xavier students to take courses at the other institutions while paying Xavier tuition for all courses taken.

Under the cross-registration agreement, a full-time Xavier student may, with the permission of his/her chair, register for a maximum of six total hours at member institutions of the consortium. Full-time status is determined by adding the number of hours of Xavier courses and those taken at member institutions. However, at least nine hours must be taken at Xavier. The agreement also applies to evening divisions at Tulane and Loyola.

Consortium credits will be treated as Xavier courses, and students will receive letter grades on their transcripts. This agreement is only valid during Fall and Spring semesters.

Career Services

The one piece of career advice we repeatedly hear from recent Xavier graduates is to encourage students to START EARLY! And they’re right! It’s never too early to begin your career preparation. The Office of Career Services (OCS) at Xavier University of Louisiana is thrilled to work with students from their first year here until graduation!

The OCS staff works with students to help identify and successfully develop a career path that aligns with their skills, values, and interests. Through one-on-one sessions and workshops, students can learn more about themselves and the career development process. Students receive assistance with resume construction, mock interviews, self-assessments, and online job postings, in addition to various programming and workshops relating to all aspects of the job search process. Additionally, some Career Services staff serve as Embedded Career Advisors whose offices are located in the academic buildings of their focus to ensure that staff members are easily accessible to students across campus. The Office of Career Services is pleased to offer an on-campus career fair each fall, as well as several opportunities to connect with recruiting employers - for full- and part-time employment - and network with Xavier University of Louisiana alumni.  Please visit our website at:  https://www.xula.edu/ocs/index.html to learn about upcoming events, giveaways, and paying opportunities!

The Office of Career Services also offers a variety of ways for students to obtain pre-professional experience, including job shadowing opportunities, and externship and internship experiences. Job shadowing provides students with a short-term experience where they observe the workday in a specific professional environment rather than having specific responsibilities. Externships are also short-term; however, students are responsible for specific, supervised duties. An internship is a supervised work experience usually related to a student’s field of study, for which the student may or may not receive pay and academic credit. A summer internship usually lasts from 10 to 12 weeks; however, many organizations offer internships through the academic year as well. Students are strongly encouraged to complete at least one internship to become marketable to employers and graduate and professional schools during their matriculation.

Deciding what career to pursue is exciting, but because there are so many available career paths it can be difficult to narrow your choices down to just one. How do you decide which to choose, or even where to start? The Strong Interest Inventory is an assessment used by the Office of Career Services that helps students match their interests with potential educational, career, and leisure activities, using an individual’s preferences in a variety of areas to aid them in discovering what they’d most enjoy doing with their work and their free time.

The Office of Career Services is ready and available to help students make informed decisions about their career paths and foster professional development. We’re dedicated to working with you from start to finish to ensure you have a fulfilling and thriving professional life!

Impact. Inspire. Motivate.

Office of International Education

The Office of International Education (“International Education” or “International Office”) is Xavier’s official platform to facilitate or conduct international education. It aims to provide quality services to Xavier students and faculty and promote global exchanges. International Education supports the international students and scholars community on campus and enhances campus internalization through curricular expansion and cross-cultural activities. It also aspires to elevate the overall international profile of the University. The Office helps fulfill the University mission: “to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society by preparing its students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society,” including through the following five major areas of programming:

  1. Promote global awareness on campus;
  2. Administer the study abroad program;
  3. Support faculty development in the area of international education;
  4. Administer the international student and scholar visa programs; and
  5. Manage the student exchange program with colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Currently, Xavier has student exchange agreements with the following institutions in the U.S.: Johnson & Wales University, New York University, University of California San Diego, and University of the Virgin Islands. Xavier is also the only institutional partner for the Research Access & Mentoring Program (RAMP) at the University of Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters, for 10 weeks of paid summer research with Notre Dame faculty. For international partners, we have agreements with: London South Bank University, University of East Anglia, MICEFA (Paris Exchange Program) in France, University of Alicante in Spain, and University of the Antilles, Martinique and Guadeloupe.

International Education has established an endowment fund to support students’ study abroad trips. In each academic year, the deadline for applying to this study abroad fund is February 15. During 2023-2024, a total of $10,000 was available for students to apply to. All Xavier students are eligible, although priority will be given to those who have not previously received this internal scholarship.

There are multiple external study abroad scholarships for students to consider. For instance, a student who is eligible for the federal Pell Grant can apply for the federal Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship, which awards up to $5,000 to support student’s study abroad of any lengths. Students applying for Gilman can combine with the Critical Need Languages Scholarship (Chinese is among the 13 foreign languages that are essential to America’s engagement with the world). When combined with Gilman, the CNLS Scholarship could award up to another $3,000. International Education strongly encourages eligible students to apply for such scholarships and is committed to guide you on writing strong applications.

Students interested in incorporating a study abroad experience or a domestic exchange into their academic career at Xavier are welcome to visit the Office of International Education in St. Joseph Academic and Health Center room 312 and their website:  https://www.xula.edu/international-ed/index.html. The Office can also be reached via (504) 520-5491 and international@xula.edu.

Center for Undergraduate Research and Graduate Opportunity

CURGO strives to be a premier center focused on undergraduate research and graduate school preparation, recognized for its commitment to promoting scholarly inquiry, intellectual growth, and professional development. In addition, CURGO is the home of the following programs:

  • GRADStar Rising Scholars program, designed to engage first-year students in the research skills building process. It is an entire academic year program culminating with a summer research experience.
  • GRADStar Scholars program, designed to prepare undergraduate students for graduate level studies by supporting their efforts through faculty mentored research and a variety of professional development opportunities aimed at increasing graduate school application competitiveness.
  • McNair Scholars Program, a federal TRIO program designed to prepare eligible undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities.

CURGO is also the proud host of four major events throughout the academic year, designed to showcase research, creative works and facilitate journeys towards advanced degrees:

  1. Research and Creative Works Showcase: An opportunity for the entire Xavier Community to enjoy an exhibition of Xavier’s students research, scholarly and creative works.
  2. Grad Fair: A key component of the Research Scholar Showcase, this recruitment fair connects our students with top graduate schools, offering them opportunities to explore their options and network with potential advisors and programs.
  3. Festival of Scholars: A longstanding two-day tradition where the entire Xavier community unites to celebrate the research and creative expressions presented by faculty, staff and students.
  4. Summer Symposium: Marking the culmination of summer research efforts, this event celebrates the hard work and achievements of students who have conducted research on campus over the summer.

For more information about CURGO visit:  https://www.xula.edu/curgo/index.html.

Center for Continuing Studies and Distance Education

The Center for Continuing Studies and Distance Education supports the mission of Xavier University of Louisiana by providing access to educational and professional programming to students of all ages and across all career stages. This access is made possible via partnerships with campus, community and industry leaders.

Because the Center for Continuing Studies and Distance Education is committed to Xavier’s mission of creating a more just and humane society we value:

  • An accessible, inclusive and respectful environment for working and learning;
  • Excellent service to everyone, especially our students;
  • Bringing together communities within and outside of the University;
  • Offering diverse programming and services on a local and global scale;
  • Integrity at all levels while maintaining academic excellence; and
  • Taking advantage of opportunities while managing resources responsibly.

For more information visit: https://www.xula.edu/center-for-continuing-education-and-distance-education/center-for-continuing-studies-and-distance-education.html

Speech and Hearing Clinic

The Xavier Speech and Hearing Clinic, which is operated in conjunction with the Speech Pathology academic program, was designed to offer evaluations and/or treatment for people who have a variety of speech-language-hearing disorders. It was designed to provide speech-language pathology evaluation and treatmement of individuals across the age continuum (preschool through adulthood). It was intended for Xavier instructors to refer any student who appears to have a speech-language-hearing problem to the Xavier Clinic for evaluation and treatment. It was also designed for Xavier students, faculty, and staff members to receive Speech-Language Pathology services free of charge. For more information regarding the Xavier University of Louisiana Speech and Hearing Clinic, please call (504) 520-5087.

Service Learning

Service Learning is a teaching and learning method that connects meaningful community service with academic learning, personal growth, community involvement, and civic responsibility. It is a method by which students can learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences connected with an academic course. Coupling service with other teaching methods can transform a course, and deepen students’ understanding of course themes and achievement of course objectives.

Through Service Learning, students not only have an opportunity to learn academic concepts and skills, they begin to understand the relevance of those concepts and skills in the real world, contribute to efforts that strengthen communities, and positively impact peoples’ lives by building capacity and addressing immediate and long-term issues identified by the local community. This strategy prepares students to fulfill the mission of Xavier by broadening their understanding of the complexities of social injustice and developing their leadership skills to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society.

There are opportunities for participation in Service Learning across disciplines and university departments. Service Learning is a joint effort between the Offices of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

Honors Programs and Awards

The Dean’s Honor Roll

A student who earns at least 12 hours of degree credit in a semester with a grade-point average of at least 3.3 with no grades of F, U or I is entitled to placement on the dean’s honor roll for that semester. Members of the honor roll will be published in University publications and released to the news media unless a student has a written request on file in the Office of the Registrar not to have his or her name used.

Graduation Honors

A candidate with a cumulative average of at least 3.3 graduates cum laude; one whose average is at least 3.6 graduates magna cum laude; one whose average is 3.8 or higher graduates summa cum laude.

Students may also receive honors recognition at graduation in Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Digital Humanities, English, French, History, Mathematics, Mass Communication, Music Theory, Philosophy, Political Science, Public Health Sciences, Sociology, Spanish, Theology, and Women’s Studies by satisfying certain departmental or programs requirements.

Honors in Biology - Each spring the department will select a limited number of students for possible graduation with Honors in Biology. Students who achieve this distinction will have maintained at least a 3.50 grade point average in biology and 3.30 grade point average overall, with no grade of “C” or lower in any biology course, throughout their undergraduate careers. Biology and Biology Premed majors who satisfy these minimum requirements will be selected at the end of their junior year. Selected students will be required to register for BIOL 4230 Biology Capstone  during their senior year. Students will be dropped from the program if they fail to continue to meet the academic requirements given above.

Honors in Business - Students either majoring or minoring in any academic program in the Division of Business qualify for the distinction of Honors in Business by having an overall GPA of at least 3.3 and earning a minimum of 18 hours in business taken at Xavier. In addition, majors must earn a GPA of at least a 3.5 in their concentration courses, and minors must earn a GPA of at least a 3.5 in their minor coursework.

Honors in Chemistry - Students majoring in chemistry qualify for the distinction Honors in Chemistry by completing their course of study with a 3.5 overall cumulative grade point average and a 3.5 cumulative grade point average in chemistry. Students who minor in chemistry must have a 3.5 overall grade point average and a 3.7 grade point average in their chemistry courses to earn this distinction. At least 18 hours of chemistry credits must be earned at Xavier.

Honors in Computer Information Systems - Computer Information Systems majors with (1) a 3.5 grade point average in all computer science and business courses accepted for credit, and (2) a cumulative 3.3 grade point average overall will earn the graduation distinction of Honors in Computer Information Systems. Students must meet the academic requirements throughout their tenure in the Physics and Computer Science Department.

Honors in Computer Science - Computer Science majors with (1) a 3.5 grade point average in all computer science and mathematics courses accepted for credit, and (2) a cumulative 3.3 grade point average overall will earn the graduation distinction of Honors in Computer Science. Students must meet the academic requirements throughout their tenure in the Physics and Computer Science Department.

Honors in Digital Humanities - To be awarded Honors, a student must (1) complete a minimum of 9 credit hours, (2) have a B or better in each course with a cumulative GPA (in digital humanities) of at least a 3.3, and (3) take a 1000 level and two upper level courses from among the list of 2000, 3000, 4000 level courses.

Honors in English - Upon receiving a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1023H , the student will receive 3 semester hours of credit for ENGL 1010 .

Students may receive Honors in English in four different ways.

  1. For initial placement in the Honors in English program, students must meet criteria that include ACT or SAT scores and high school transcript. The English Department determines final placement. To receive an honors distinction in English, students so chosen must take ENGL 1023H  and an additional 6 semester hours with any two English courses of their choice at the 2000, 3000, or 4000 levels, and receive a cumulative average of 3.0 or higher for all three courses (or their equivalent).
  2. Students with Advanced Placement credit may take two more English courses at the 2000, 3000, or 4000 level. A cumulative average of 3.0 or higher in these two courses will earn them Honors in English.
  3. A student who earns an “A” in ENGL 1010  may also qualify for the honors sequence. A student with credit in programs other than AP should consult the English department head for honors consideration.
  4. Students need not be placed in the Freshman English Honors Sequence outlined above to qualify for Honors in English. Students majoring or minoring in English may also earn the honors distinction by completing their courses of study with a 3.5 cumulative average in English. At least eighteen semester hours of English must be earned at Xavier.

Students may use the AP or CLEP examinations as equivalencies for ENGL 1010  or ENGL 1020 . Students must have taken the essay portion of the exam as well as the objective portion and must meet with the department head for advising no later than the last day of registration to determine from which course(s) they may be exempt.

Honors in French - Graduates and students who meet the following criteria will be eligible for the distinction of Honors in French:

  1. Be a declared major or minor;
  2. Have an overall GPA of 3.3 or above;
  3. Have a language GPA of 3.5 or above;
  4. Have taken at least two French literature courses and earn a grade of B or above;
  5. Have taken a minimum of 9 hrs. language study at Xavier; and
  6. Other students may also be considered for Honors with the approval of the department head.

Honors in History - Students selected by the placement process of the Admissions Office will be awarded Honors in History if they earn at least a “B” each in a 1000-level course with a designation of “H”, any 2000-level course, and any 3000- or 4000-level course. Students may also take two 2000-level courses and one 3000-/4000-level course to fulfill the honors requirement, again provided they earn at least a “B” in each class. Other students may be considered for Honors in History with the approval of the Department Head.

Honors in Mathematics - For placement in the Honors in Mathematics Program, students should apply to the Mathematics Department. To receive the distinction Honors in Mathematics, students must satisfy one of the following two criteria:

  1. Students must take MATH 1070H  and MATH 2070H  and at least four (4) additional hours of mathematics or statistics at the 2000 level or above. Examples of additional course work that satisfy these requirements are third semester calculus (MATH 2080 ); basic statistics with a technology lab (STAT 2010  and STAT 2021 ); MATH 2030  or MATH 2530  or MATH 2550  together with a technology lab (MATH 4005 ). Students must receive a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher in all mathematics and statistics courses taken with no grade of “C” or below.
  2. Students must take MATH 1070  (or MATH 1070H ) and MATH 2070 , and at least six (6) additional hours of mathematics or statistics at the 2000 level or above. Students must receive a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher in all mathematics and statistics courses taken with no grade of “C” or below.

Honors in Mass Communication - Students are eligible to graduate with honors in Mass Communication with the following criteria:

  1. Student must declare a major or minor in Mass Communication or the minor in Health Communication.
  2. Students must take at least 18 hours in Mass Communication courses at Xavier.
  3. Students must hold an overall Mass Communication GPA of 3.5.
  4. Students must hold an overall GPA of 3.3.

Honors in Music Theory - Students who are eligible for this honor are music majors who have completed 20 hours in music theory with a minimum GPA in theory of 3.5 by the first half of the senior year. The student who elects to complete this program must apply to the department head who will review that student’s record, give final approval for admission into the program, and assist the student in obtaining a faculty member to supervise the final project. In the final semester of the senior year, the student must register for MUST 4500H , complete one of the three honors theory projects prescribed for this course, and receive a pass endorsement from the theory faculty who will give the final evaluation of the student’s project.

Honors in Philosophy - Students are eligible to graduate with an honors distinction in philosophy. To do so, the student must complete a minimum of three philosophy courses (9 credit hours) with an overall philosophy GPA of 3.3.

Honors in Political Science - Students are eligible to graduate with an honors distinction in Political Science. To do so, the student majoring in the discipline must complete all nine (9) required courses and four (4) electives with an overall political science GPA of 3.5. An honors distinction is also available to students pursuing a minor or concentration in political science, pre-law, international affairs, or public administration, all of which sub-fields are offered within the discipline of political science. To earn this distinction, students minoring in any of the above sub-fields should complete at least 12 hours in the discipline with an average GPA of 3.5.

Honors in Public Health Sciences - In order to obtain Honors in Public Health Sciences, students majoring and minoring in Public Health Sciences must meet the following criteria:

  1. A 3.5 GPA in Public Health Sciences courses for majors and minors, and
  2. A 3.3 Overall GPA, and
  3. A minimum of 18 hours in Public Health Sciences must be taken at Xavier

Honors in Sociology - Students with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 will graduate with an honors distinction in sociology by completing a minimum of any three sociology courses with a total of nine credit hours with a combined GPA in all sociology courses of 3.5 or higher. This distinction and its criterion of a 3.5 GPA in sociology applies to all students, including students majoring and minoring in sociology. To be eligible, students must have an overall GPA of 3.0.

Honors in Spanish - Graduates and students who meet the following criteria will be eligible for the distinction of Honors in Spanish:

  1. Be a declared major or minor;
  2. Have an overall GPA of 3.3 or above;
  3. Have a language GPA of 3.5 or above;
  4. Have taken at least two Spanish  literature courses and earn a grade of B or above;
  5. Have taken a minimum of 9 hrs. language study at Xavier; and
  6. Other students may also be considered for Honors with the approval of the department head.

Honors in Theology - Students are eligible to graduate with an honors distinction in theology by completing a minimum of any three theology courses with a total of 9 credit hours and a grade of a “B” or higher in each of the courses.

Honors in Women’s Studies - Students with a minor in women’s studies may apply for an Honors in Women’s Studies designation by meeting the following criteria in the Women’s Studies Program:

  1. A student must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours in the field;
  2. A student must have at least a B in each course with a cumulative GPA (in women’s studies) of at least a 3.3; and
  3. A student must take a 1000 level and two upper level courses from among the list of 2000 and 3000 level courses. WMST 1030  and WMST 3990  are strongly recommended.

Xavier University Awards

Leadership Awards
THE SAINT KATHARINE DREXEL AWARD. A monetary award is made to the senior who, throughout his/her years at Xavier University, has shown the most outstanding spirit of cooperation in the varied interests of the University. Enrollment for at least three years at Xavier is a prerequisite. This award, in memory of Saint Katharine Drexel, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament, is in honor of the life of service and religious dedication of Xavier’s foundress. This is the highest award given to a student by the University.

THE MOTHER M. AGATHA RYAN AWARD. A monetary award is made to a senior who during his/her years at Xavier University has shown a high appreciation for the spirit and standards of his/her Alma Mater through reverence, personal integrity, loyalty, service, and scholarship. Enrollment for at least three years at Xavier is a prerequisite. This award is in memory of Mother M. Agatha Ryan, Sister of the Blessed Sacrament and former president of Xavier University.

THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY SERVICE AWARDS. The X.U. Service Key is awarded to those seniors who deserve recognition and commendation for generous and loyal service in their cooperation with the University in its varied activities.

THE WILLIAM H. MITCHELL CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP AWARD. A plaque is awarded to a senior who has been outstanding in scholarship and cooperation with the activities of the University.

THE VICTOR H. LABAT SERVICE AWARD. A plaque is awarded to a senior who has worked diligently for the general welfare of students and the University.

The National Council, Knights of Peter Claver Awards
THE GILBERT FAUSTINA AWARD. A monetary award is made to the senior who has demonstrated throughout his/her years at Xavier University exceptional leadership and organizing ability among fellow students. This award is in memory of the late Gilbert Faustina, first Supreme Knight of the Knights of Peter Claver.

THE LOUIS ISRAEL AWARD. A monetary award is made to the senior who throughout his/her years at Xavier University has shown an outstanding spirit of self-sacrifice in the service of his/her neighbor. This award is in memory of the late Louis Israel, second Supreme Knight of the Knights of Peter Claver.

THE ALPHONSE PIERRE AUGUSTE AWARD. A monetary award is made to the senior who throughout his/her years at Xavier University has given the finest exemplification of Christian social concern. This award is in memory of the late Alphonse Pierre Auguste, third Supreme Knight of the Knights of Peter Claver.

Awards in the College of Pharmacy
THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY BOWL OF HYGEIA AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP. The College of Pharmacy awards a custom-made rendition of the Bowl of Hygeia to the graduating student who has exemplified the highest standards of leadership, student advocacy and concern for the welfare and development of his/her fellow students and the advancement of the College and its programs.

THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AWARD FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE. A plaque is awarded to the graduating pharmacy student who has the highest cumulative average in the professional curriculum and has taken the equivalent of at least eight semesters at Xavier.

THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP. The College of Pharmacy awards a commemorative plaque to the graduating student who has exemplified the highest standards of leadership, student advocacy and concern for the welfare and development of his/her fellow students and the advancement of the College and its programs.

THE WARREN P. MCKENNA SERVICE AWARD. In honor of the late Warren P. McKenna ‘36, a former Dean and Dean of the College of Pharmacy, a framed certificate is awarded to graduating students who have demonstrated outstanding commitment, dedication and service through active involvement in various organizations throughout their years in the College.

THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH. A suitably inscribed plaque is awarded to a graduating pharmacy student who has demonstrated excellence in research activities while enrolled in the College of Pharmacy.

THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE COMUNICATION.   A commemorative plaque is awarded to the graduating student who has exhibited outstanding communication skills in the provision of patient care services in a variety of health care settings.

AWARD OF EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL COMMUNICATION.  A certificate, a 1-year subscription to Facts & Comparisons eAnswers (online), and a subscription to Lexi-COMPLETE (mobile) is awarded to a student graduating in the upper quartile of the class who has demonstrated superior verbal and written communication skills.

XAVIER UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PROGRAM AWARD FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE. A plaque, suitably inscribed, is awarded to the graduating PA student who has the highest cumulative average in the professional curriculum.

XAVIER UNIVERSITY PA PROGRAM AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT CARE COMMUNICATION. The graduating student who has exhibited outstanding communication skills in the provision of patient care services in a variety of health care settings is recognized by Preceptors through the award of a commemorative plaque.

XAVIER UNIVERSITY PA PROGRAM AWARD FOR DIDACTIC STUDENT OF THE YEAR. A plaque, suitably inscribed, is awarded to the graduating PA student who has demonstrated excellence during the didactic curriculum.

PRIDE OF XULA & FUTURE OF PA PROFESSION AWARD. A plaque, suitably inscribed, is awarded to the graduating PA student who embodies the mission of the PA Program and will exemplify the standards set forth by the PA Profession while serving the community, embracing diversity, and practicing medicine with integrity, honor, and character.

XAVIER UNIVERSITY PA PROGRAM AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP. The PA Program awards a commemorative plaque to the graduating student who has exemplified the highest standards of leadership, student advocacy and concern for the welfare and development of his/her fellow students and the advancement of the PA Program.

Honor Societies

Alpha Epsilon Delta. AED is the international health pre-professional honor society with more than 150 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. The Louisiana Eta chapter at Xavier considers students for membership during the spring of each year provided that the student has completed at least 45 semester hours at Xavier and meets additional requirements that are listed on the AED page of the pre-medical website: https://www.xula.edu/premed/special-programs-for-premeds.html.

Alpha Kappa Mu. This national society is a multi-discipline honor society that was established at Xavier in 1941 to:

  • Promote scholarship;
  • Encourage sincere and zealous endeavor in all fields of knowledge and service;
  • Cultivate strong values in personal living; and
  • Develop an appreciation for scholarship and scholarly endeavors in others.

Election to membership in Alpha Kappa Mu is limited to students of junior or senior status who have earned a minimum of thirty hours at Xavier with a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher.

Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society. This national honor society is designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences. Eligibility for membership is restricted to undergraduate students who are in good academic standing with the University and have:

  • Completed at least one semester of the sophomore year;
  • Maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 with no grade of “C” or lower in ANY biology course; and
  • Achieved at least a 3.3 grade point average in three biological science courses, at least one of which is not an introductory course

Chi Sigma Iota. Chi Sigma Iota was established in 1985 as the international honor society for counselors-in-training, counselor educators, and professional counselors. Its mission is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership and excellence in counseling, and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the field of counseling. Candidates are eligible for membership in the society if they are enrolled in the graduate counseling program and have completed at least 12 hours of graduate credits. They must have maintained an overall grade point average of at least 3.5.

Delta Mu Delta. Delta Mu Delta is the International Honor Society for business programs accredited by ACBSP at the baccalaureate/graduate level. The Greek letters in the Society’s name stand for Dia Mathessos Dynamis, signifying Delta Mu Delta’s motto: Through Knowledge, Power, the power to manage creatively for social and economic good. Becoming a member of Delta Mu Delta is an honor indicative of earnest, intelligent purpose and rewarding achievement. To be eligible for membership, the academic ranking of those being considered must place them in the upper 20 percent or higher in their respective class in business: junior or senior.

Kappa Gamma Pi. Kappa Gamma Pi is a national Catholic College Graduate Honor Society. Xavier first became affiliated with the Society in 1941. Prospective members may be nominated upon receipt of either a baccalaureate or an advanced degree. To be eligible, a student must have a 3.3 GPA accompanied by demonstration of outstanding service and leadership.

Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education. Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education fosters excellence in education and promotes fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. Students who are eligible for this honor are 1) undergraduate teacher education majors with no less than 30 semester hours earned prior to initiation, at least 12 hours in professional education courses, and a 3.0 GPA; and 2) graduate education majors who have completed at least 6 semester hours of graduate work at Xavier, have at least 12 hours of professional education courses, and a 3.25 GPA. All candidates who qualify must also be recommended by at least two faculty members in the Division of Education and Counseling.

Kappa Phi Kappa Honor Fraternity. Kappa Phi Kappa is a national professional fraternity in education devoted to the professional development of its members. The Gamma Eta Chapter was reactivated at Xavier in 1994. Kappa Phi Kappa’s intent is to recognize and bring together those individuals who are making significant contributions to the field of education, or who show promise of providing outstanding leadership in education. The purpose of the fraternity is to develop and foster in interested persons a systematic study of educational issues. To qualify for membership a student in the initial program must have a 3.5 GPA; and a student in the advanced program must have a GPA of 4.0. Students fulfilling the requirements receive a written invitation for membership.

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International. Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) is an international association organized to promote competency and achievement within the legal profession through developing and upholding the highest standards of professional ethics. Xavier’s chapter is part of a 114,000 member worldwide network of attorneys, judges, educators, and students. Membership in PAD qualifies students for participation in a wide array of professional programs, reception of quality reading materials, LSAT study guides and law school information, valuable contacts, and, career planning assistance. Locally, the Xavier PAD chapter is active in promoting community service, law-related speakers and forums, law school application seminars, and networking with local legal professionals. Membership is open to students of any major who are considering law as their career choice.

Phi Alpha Theta. Xavier University’s Alpha Mu Pi chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national History Honor Society, was founded in 2006. The mission of the society is “to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians.” Membership (not limited to history majors) is open to any Xavier undergraduate in good standing who has completed the following requirements:

  • At least 12 semester hours in history, with a minimum GPA average of 3.1 in these courses (these 12 hours may include up to 3 hours of transfer credit; online course credit, either from Xavier or as transfer, may not be counted towards fulfillment of the requirement);
  • An overall GPA of 3.0 or better; and
  • Be in the top 35% of his or her class.

Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society. Phi Lambda Sigma has as its purpose the promotion of leadership qualities among pharmacy students. The society selects its members by peer recognition using the criteria of demonstration of dedication, service and leadership in the advancement of pharmacy. Eligibility requirements include high moral and ethical character, successful completion of at least one year of the professional curriculum and a cumulative College of Pharmacy grade point average of at least 2.5

Phi Lambda Upsilon National Chemistry Honor Society. The Beta Xi chapter at Xavier was the first chapter at a historically Black university. To be eligible for membership a student must:

  • Be majoring in a curriculum leading to a career in chemistry, chemical engineering, the health professions, or other field of applied chemistry;
  • Have a 3.0 overall grade point average and be at least a junior or first year student in the College of Pharmacy; and
  • Have completed 20 semester hours of chemistry with a grade point average of 3.0 in these courses.

Phi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honor Society. Phi Sigma Iota is an international foreign language honor society that welcomes high achievers into the diverse global linguistic and literary communities of scholarship. It is centered around the ancient classical languages of Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, and Hebrew; focuses on the romance languages of French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian; and currently includes all languages of the modern world. Founded in 1922, it expanded into the international arena in 1982, initiating its first international chapter in Monterrey, Mexico, and then in Paris, France. The words PHI SIGMA IOTA represent Philotes [friendship], Spoude [zeal for languages], and Idioma [research and individuality]. In 1949, Phi Sigma Iota was voted membership into the US Association of College Honor Societies, the first language society to receive that honor. Currently there are about 250 chapters worldwide.

Its mantra is: “To understand others is to understand yourself.” The establishment of the Xavier University chapter, Lambda Beta, was initiated in 2011 by senior language students who appreciated the need for Xavier students to learn more about other languages and cultures and to be part of a worldwide connection of multicultural and multilingual opportunities. Membership requires a minimum of 3.0 GPA, a minimum 3.3 language GPA, and a planned or completed literature or culture course as part of the curriculum. The society offers scholarships and other awards, small project grants, publishing opportunities, online resources, and references for language teaching skills. Upper-level language students who take lower-level language courses other than 1090 and 2020 are automatically ineligible for membership. See www.phisigmaiota.org.

Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy Honor Society. Founded in 1930, this international honor society in philosophy offers students the distinction of membership, a network of over 180 chapters, a forum to interact with other students interested in philosophy, the opportunity to publish in the society’s journal and present papers at its conferences, and receipt of the society’s publications including its careers bulletin. To be eligible for membership in Xavier’s chapter of the society, a student must have completed at least three semesters of college courses, have completed at least two philosophy courses and be enrolled in a third (all at Xavier), have an overall Xavier GPA of at least 2.85, and have a philosophy GPA of at least 3.2.

Physician Assistant National Pi Alpha Honor Society.  Pi Alpha is the national Physician Assistant honor society organized for the promotion and recognition of both Physician Assistant students and graduates.  Membership signifies inductees’ significant academic achievements and honors them for their leadership, research, community/professional service, and other related activities.  The society also encourages a high standard of character and conduct among students and graduates.

Pi Gamma Mu. Pi Gamma Mu is one the oldest and preeminent honor societies in the social sciences. The organization was founded in 1924 by the deans of Southwestern College in Kansas and the College of William and Mary in Virginia. There are over 150 active chapters in the United States and overseas. The Louisiana Lambda chapter at Xavier was established in 2014 to encourage and recognize superior scholarship in social science disciplines and to foster cooperation and social service among its members. Application for membership is open to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a junior or senior by standards of Xavier University of Louisiana;
  • Must have completed at least 20 semester hours in any combination of social science courses. Pi Gamma Mu’s constitution defines the social sciences to include the disciplines of history, political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, international relations, criminal justice, social work, psychology, social philosophy, history of education, and human geography;
  • Must have a minimum G.P.A. in the aggregate of those courses of at least 3.0; and,
  • Students need not be majoring or minoring in a social science field in order to qualify, but merely demonstrate an interest in the social sciences by virtue of completing the requisite number of courses.

Psi Chi. Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology, was founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. Application for membership is open to Psychology majors who have completed 42 degree credit hours, including 9 in psychology, and have achieved a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.25 GPA in Psychology. Students who meet these criteria and are interested in membership may apply annually for membership.

Rho Chi Society. Rho Chi is the academic honor society in pharmacy. The mission of the Rho Chi Society is to encourage and recognize excellence in intellectual achievement and foster fellowship among its members. Further, the Society encourages high standards of conduct and character, and advocates critical inquiry in all aspects of pharmacy. Pharmacy majors are eligible for membership if they have at least 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and rank in the highest 20 percent of their class. In addition, pharmacy majors must have also completed at least one-half of the required professional didactic course work to be eligible.

Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society. The chapter admits into membership undergraduate Physics and Engineering majors, faculty members, and a few others in closely related fields. Students admitted into membership must attain high standards of general scholarship and outstanding achievement in physics.

Undergraduate candidates must be in the upper one-third of their class in general scholarship to meet the minimum standard for admission. A higher minimum average (3.5 GPA) is often established for physics courses. Undergraduate candidates must have completed at least two semesters of full-time college work and at least three semester courses in physics that can be credited toward a physics major. The students must also have at least 10 hours of outreach activities. Outreach activity hours are often achieved by participating in the department’s Saturday Morning Physics program.

Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society. The purposes of Sigma Tau Delta national honor society are to:

  • Confer distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in undergraduate, graduate, and professional studies;
  • Provide, through its local chapters, cultural stimulation on college campuses and to promote interest in literature and the English language in the surrounding communities;
  • Foster the discipline of English in all its aspects, including creative and critical writing;
  • Promote good citizenship among its members; and,
  • Exhibit high standards of academic excellence.

To be eligible for membership, a student must

  • Have completed at least two college courses in English language or literature beyond ENGL 1020 ;
  • Have at least a B average in English courses;
  • Rank at least in the highest 35% of his/her class in general scholarship; and
  • Have completed at least three semesters of college course work.