Mar 28, 2025  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025


African American & Diaspora Studies Art & Performance Studies Biology
Business Chemistry English
History Languages Mathematics
Music Physics Sociology

African American and Diaspora Studies

New Course(s)
AADS 3620 (HIST 3620, XCOR 3010). Race & Resistance in South Africa. This interdisciplinary course explores the culture of resistance in South African from the origins of apartheid to the challenges and opportunities of the post-apartheid era, with a focus on the interconnected narratives of race and resistance that have shaped and continue to shape the pursuit of social justice.  Students will critically examine key historical events, the lives and legacies of influential leaders, and the diverse strategies employed by South Africans to challenge racial oppression and the struggles for justice and equality in South Africa’s past and present. Prerequisite(s): 3 credits of HIST. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 8/27/2024

AADS 2350 (THEO 2350). Caribbean Theologies. This course offers an in-depth investigation of the cultural, historical, political, and philosophical sources that constitute the theologies of the Caribbean. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

Art & Performance Studies

Updated Curricula
Art Minor
In addition to the two major programs, the Art Department also offers a minor in Art for those students majoring in another discipline. The minor in Art requires a total of eighteen (18) hours (9 hours of required courses and 9 hours of additional courses).
   Required Courses (9 hours)
      Students must select one course from Art History, one course from Design, and one course from Drawing (ART 1030).
      Art History (3 hours):   ART 1090 - Art Appreciation or ART 2110 - History of Art Ia or ART 2120 - History of Art Ib
      Design (3 hours):   ART 1010 - Design Ia or ART 2020 - Introduction to Graphic Design
      Drawing (3 hours):   ART 1030 - Drawing 1 Beginning Drawing
   Additional Courses (9 hours)
   Students may satisfy this requirement by choosing from all ART courses.
Approved by Academic Council on 9/10/2024

Updated Course(s)
Current Description:
ART 4410. Graphic Design IV a. Continuation of ART 4210. Studio, hands-on course. Prerequisite: ART 4210 Studio, Hands-On Courses. (3)
Updated Description:
ART 4410. Advanced Graphic Design. An Advanced Studio course exploring advanced print and digital design topics from package design to motion graphics. This process will also incorporate the study of conceptual design, sequence, and storyboarding. Prerequisites: ART 2020 Intro to Graphic Design. Recommended Additional Prerequisite: ART 4010. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Current Description:
ART 4210. Graphic Design 4, Advanced Graphic Design. Continuation of ART 4010. Studio, hands-on course. Prerequisite: ART 4020  Studio, Hands-On Courses. (3)
Updated Description:
ART 4210. Brand Identity Design. Studio course examining visuals related to brand identity and semiotics. Creation of brand graphic standards, and correlating marketing and digital collateral will be explored. Prerequisite: ART 4010. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Current Description:
ART 4420. Graphic Design IV b. Continuation of ART 4220. Studio, hands-on course. Prerequisite: ART 4410 Studio, Hands-On Courses. (3)
Updated Descriptions:
ART 4421. Digital Design Studio. Advanced exploration into graphic design through the creation of a visual research-based project from initial conceptualization to final render and deliverables. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite: ART 2020 Intro to Graphic Design & Junior or Senior standing, or Advisor Permission. (1)
ART 4422. Digital Design Studio.
 Advanced exploration into graphic design through the creation of a visual research-based project from initial conceptualization to final render and deliverables. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite: ART 2020 Intro to Graphic Design & Junior or Senior standing, or Advisor Permission. (2)
ART 4423. Digital Design Studio.
 Advanced exploration into graphic design through the creation of a visual research-based project from initial conceptualization to final render and deliverables. Repeatable up to 6 credit hours. Prerequisite: ART 2020 Intro to Graphic Design & Junior or Senior standing, or Advisor Permission. (3)
Note: In addition to the name change, ART 4420 is being replaced by courses: ART 4421, 4422, and 4423, which can be taken for 1, 2, and 3 credit hours respectively.

Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Current Description:
ART 4010. Graphic Design 2, Intermediate Graphic Design. Solve practical design problems while expanding digital techniques. Studio, hands-on course. Prerequisite: ART 2020  Studio, Hands-On Courses. (3)
Updated Description:
ART 4010. Typography 1. Studio course exploring typography from its origins and typeface anatomy to the digital font, page layout and publication design. Students will examine type in its many forms through the utilization of traditional and digital design media. Prerequisite: ART 2020 Intro to Graphic Design. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Current Description:
ART 4020. Graphic Design 3, Advanced Graphic Design. Solve practical design problems while expanding digital techniques. Studio, hands-on course. Prerequisite: ART 4010.  Studio, Hands-On Courses (3)
Updated Description:
ART 4020. Typography 2. Studio course building on the skills from ART 4010. Further exploration of type as an art form culminating in the creation of a custom digital typeface from conceptualization to final render and utilization. Prerequisite: ART 4010. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Current Description:
ART 3020. Web Design. This course will focus on website and interface design for the mobile web, fostering an approach in design aesthetics which embraces new technology and creative expression using typography, graphics, and interactivity. Projects will examine elements in website and interface design efficiency including color, typography, site mapping and navigation, information architecture, wire framing / page layout, and user ability. (3)
Updated Description:
ART 3020. Interface Design. This course will focus on website and interface design for the mobile web, fostering an approach in design aesthetics which embraces new technology and creative expression using typography, graphics, and interactivity. Projects will examine elements in website and interface design efficiency including color, typography, site mapping and navigation, information architecture, wire framing / page layout, and user ability. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

New Course(s)
ART 3010. History of Graphic Design. Examining the history of graphic design from its early origins and foundation through multiple artistic movements, such as the Graphic Renaissance, Bauhaus and the Modernist Movement, to the Information Age and present day topics and trends. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024


Updated Honors Program
Honors in Biology - Each spring the Department will select a limited number of students for possible graduation with Honors in Biology. Students who achieve this distinction will have maintained at least a 3.50 grade point average in biology and 3.30 grade point average overall. Biology and Biology Pre-Med majors who satisfy these minimum requirements will be selected at the end of their junior year. Selected students will be required to register for BIOL 4230 - Biology Capstone during their senior year. Students will be dropped from the Program if they fail to continue to meet the academic requirements given above.
Approved by Academic Council on 2/25/2025


New Course(s)
HCMT 3190. Healthcare Data Analytics for Managers. This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles, models, and techniques utilized in healthcare data analysis. This advanced course is tailored for students looking to delve deep into the intricacies of healthcare data, its modeling, and its implications for improving healthcare systems. Topics include the electronic health record, sensor data mining, personalized medicine (genomic data), predictive models, temporal data mining, and fraud detection. (3,FaSp)
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024

Updated Course(s)
The course prefix of ECON 2070 –Statistics I was changed to BUAN 2070 – Statistics I. Also, the prerequisite of MATH 1030I was removed and the prerequisite of “Completion of all developmental courses, if needed.” was added.
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

The course prefix of ECON 2080 – Statistics II was changed to BUAN 2080 Statistics II.
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

The course prefix of BSAD 3055 – Quantitative Analysis was changed to BUAN 3055– Quantitative Analysis.
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

New Curricula
Healthcare Management Minor (18 hours)
  Required Courses:  HCMT 1000 HCMT 3110 HCMT 3140 HCMT 3150 HCMT 4010 , and HCMT Elective (3)*
   * must be a 3000 or 4000 level HCMT course
Approved by Academic Council on 11/26/2024


Updated Curricula
Chemistry with Dual Degree in Pharmacy, B.S.
   Senior Year/P1
      First Semester
         PHSC 3810 - Pharmacy Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
         CHEM 4999 - Senior Comprehensives
         PHCL 3620 - Human Physiology and Anatomy
         PHCL 3620L - Human Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory
         PHCL 3630 - Human Physiology and Anatomy
     Semester Hours: 11
     Second Semester
        PHSC 3910 - Medicinal Chemistry/ Pharmacology (MCP) I
        PHCT 3050 - Pharmaceutics I
        PHCT 3050L - Pharmaceutics I Laboratory
        Free Electives(5)
     Semester Hours: 12
Approved by Academic Council on 2/4/2025


Course Update(s)
ENGL 3160 Survey of American Literature I to ENGL 2160 Survey of American Literature I
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024

ENGL 3170 Survey of American Literature II to ENGL 2170 Survey of American Literature II
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024

Program Update(s)
English, B.A.
The English course requirements (major courses) have changed. Updated requirements include:

  • ENGL 2400
  • Literature Surveys (12 hours): Students choose 4 from the following (in consultation with advisors): ENGL 2070, 2080, ENGL 2085, 2095, ENGL 2160, and 2170.
  • English Electives (24 hours): Students may choose any ENGL, CWRT, or PWRT courses above the 1000-level. Four electives minimum must be at the 3000- or 4000- level. One elective must be a designated “literary period” course in African American, multicultural American, or British literary history.
  • Senior Capstone: ENGL 4999. Students may substitute ENGL 4500 Senior Thesis for 3 credit hours

All other aspects of the curriculum (Core requirements (40 hours), Minor (18 hours), and Free Electives (23 hours)) remain the same.
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024


New Course(s)
HIST 3620 (AADS 3620, XCOR 3010). Race & Resistance in South Africa. This interdisciplinary course explores the culture of resistance in South African from the origins of apartheid to the challenges and opportunities of the post-apartheid era, with a focus on the interconnected narratives of race and resistance that have shaped and continue to shape the pursuit of social justice.  Students will critically examine key historical events, the lives and legacies of influential leaders, and the diverse strategies employed by South Africans to challenge racial oppression and the struggles for justice and equality in South Africa’s past and present. Prerequisite(s): 3 credits of HIST. (3)
​Approved by Academic Council on 8/27/2024


Honors Distinction(s)
Honors in Chinese - Graduates and students who meet the following criteria will be eligible for the distinction of Honors in Chinese:

  1. Be a declared minor in Chinese;
  2. Have an overall GPA of 3.3 or above;
  3. Have a GPA in Chinese courses of 3.5 or above;
  4. Have taken at least two literature courses in Chinese and earn a grade of B or above;
  5. Have taken a minimum of 9 hrs. of study in Chinese at Xavier.
  6. Other students may also be considered for Honors with the approval of the department head

Approved by Academic Council on 11/26/2024

Updated Course(s)
Course titles for the following courses were updated:
SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish changes to SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish 1
SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish
changes to SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish 2
FREN 1010 Elementary French
changes to FREN 1010 Elementary French 1
FREN 1020 Elementary French 
changes to FREN 1020 Elementary French 2
CHIN 1010 Elementary Mandarin changes to CHIN 1010 Elementary Mandarin 1
CHIN 1020 Elementary Mandarin
changes to CHIN 1020 Elementary Mandarin 2
AMSL 1010 American Sign Language
changes to AMSL 1010 American Sign Language 1
AMSL 1020 American Sign Language
changes to AMSL 1020 American Sign Language 2
Approved by Academic Council on 2/25/2025


Updated Curricula
Mathematics, B.S.
PHIL 2040 was removed from the curriculum and replaced with a 3-hour Mathematics Elective.
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Mathematics Education (Grades 6-12), B.S.
PHIL 2040 was removed from the curriculum and replaced with a 3-hour Free Elective.
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Statistics, B.S.
PHIL 2040 was removed from the curriculum and replaced with a 3-hour Free Elective.
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Updated Course(s)
Current Description:
MATH 2550. Discrete Structures for Computer Science and Mathematics I. Symbolic logic is utilized to develop the skill of theorem proving using: mathematical induction, recurrence relations, computer program correctness, set theory, and introduction to networks/graphs. Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in PHIL 2040 and MATH 1070/MATH 1070H. (3)
Updated Description:
MATH 2550. Discrete Structures for Computer Science and Mathematics. Symbolic logic is utilized to develop the skill of theorem proving using: mathematical induction, recurrence relations, computer program correctness, set theory, and introduction to networks/graphs. Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in MATH 1070/MATH 1070H. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024

Current Description:
Math 2560. Discrete Structures for Computer Science and Mathematics II. Symbolic logic is utilized to develop the skill of theorem proving using: relations, functions, injections, surjections, images and inverse images, cardinality, introduction to algebraic structures. Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in MATH 2550. (3)
Updated Description:
MATH 2900. Foundations of Mathematical Proof. Symbolic logic is utilized to develop the skill of theorem proving using: relations, functions, injections, surjections, images and inverse images, cardinality, introduction to algebraic structures. Prerequisite(s): Grade of “C” or better in MATH 2550. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 10/15/2024


Updated Curricula
Previously, students had the option of taking MUSH 1080, MUSH 2130, or JAZZ 4000 to satisfy their third Music History course requirement. Now, students must take MUSH 1080 to satisfy the requirement. MUSH 2130 and JAZZ 4000 can be taken as electives. This update impacts the following curricula:   Music Liberal Arts, B.A., Music Performance - Piano, B.M., Music Performance Instrumental (Major Applied), B.M., and Music Performance Voice (Major Applied), B.M.
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

Deleted Program(s)
The Music-Jazz Studies Concentration, B.A. is eliminated.
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024


Updated Course(s)
The course number for PHYS 3050 Modern Physics was changed to PHYS 2050 Modern Physics.
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024


Updated Course(s)
SOCI 4950. Senior Capstone Internship. Senior Capstone requires majors to apply what they have learned through the program by combining a student internship with class sessions that guide students through the process of creating a research proposal based on the work they are doing at their internship site. Additionally, this class will prepare students for life after graduation with workshops covering academic and professional pursuits, interpersonal relationships, financial literacy, and other relevant topics related to the transition from college student to college graduate. Prerequisite(s): ‘C’ or better in SOCI 2530, SOCI 3030, and 6 credits of SOCI courses at the 3000 or 4000 level. (3, ENGAGEMENTS/Senior Capstone).
Approved by Academic Council on 2/4/2025


New Course(s)
THEO 3900. Theology Internship. This course provides students with experience working with an institute or organization that has as part of its mission to critically reflect on society, praxis, and/or church, in light of a faith tradition. Internships can focus on any part of this process of critical reflection, including the preservation and dissemination of materials important for this task, and taking on roles in communities or organizations that have critical reflection as part of their mission or task. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024

THEO 3600 (XCOR 3020). Decolonial Healing. Investigates coloniality and decoloniality and the theological basis for both. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024

THEO 2350 (AADS 2350). Caribbean Theologies. This course offers an in-depth investigation of the cultural, historical, political, and philosophical sources that constitute the theologies of the Caribbean. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

THEO 2750. Queer Theology. This course critically engages the theological and theoretical contours of the sites where queer(s) and theologies meet, their contact, interactivity, and exchange, and their significance for social, political, economic, liberative, and justice-centered projects. (3)
Approved by Academic Council on 11/12/2024

Course Update(s)
THEO 2800 Perspectives in Contemporary Theology to THEO 3800 Perspectives in Contemporary Theology
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024

THEO 3060 Theological Understanding of Jesus Christ to THEO 2750 Theological Understanding of Jesus Christ
Approved by Academic Council on 9/24/2024