Mar 13, 2025  
University Catalog 2018-2019 
University Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Education and Counseling

Library 503 - (504) 520-7536 -

Education majors should note that certification requirements are established by the Louisiana Department of Education and are subject to change. Students should consult their advisors each semester.

Since 1925, when Xavier University of Louisiana was founded, it has accepted the sacred privilege and social responsibility of preparing well-qualified teachers for public and private elementary and secondary schools. The University continues to train future teachers who possess a deep sense of social and civic responsibility, who are liberally educated and who possess the philosophical principles, and the professional character essential to their vocation and career. The goal of the Division of Education and Counseling is the development of reflective professionals who are collaborative change agents toward a more just and humane society.

The Division of Education and Counseling infuses all curricula with understandings that recognize and develop the gifts and rich heritage each person brings to the respective program. The Division identifies six core values: spirituality, diversity, professionalism, inquiry, competence, and innovation. These constructs are interconnected with one another and to the goals of the Division.

Multiple assessments are used in the Division to monitor candidate performance and improve operations and programs. The unit systematically collects and analyzes data at specific checkpoints through the Trac-DAT Assessment System.

The Division of Education and Counseling received reaccreditation by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) in April 2011. This signifies that the graduates have been prepared according to accepted national standards of excellence and that the programs meet high standards in areas including program design, delivery, and quality of faculty. Xavier was the first private college in Louisiana to receive this prestigious rating. NCATE is now known as the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).  The division received reaccredition by CAEP in October 2017. Additionally, the Counseling program was accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CaCREP) in 2015. The program was reviewed against high professional standards that assure the quality of its accountability system, its faculty, and its graduates.

Curricula and Educational Outcomes - The Division of Education and Counseling offers the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees leading to Louisiana teacher certification in grade levels 1-5 (elementary), and 4-8 (middle school), as well as, in the secondary areas of  Art, Biology, Chemistry, English, Foreign Language (French and Spanish), Mathematics, Music, and Social Studies.

The requirements of the Education programs consist of courses in general education, knowledge of the learner and the learning environment, methodology in teaching, and a year-long residency. Monitored and sequenced field experiences provide opportunities for the candidate to apply the theoretical framework in various classroom settings.

The program in Elementary Education (grades 1-5) prepares teacher candidates to understand and meet the needs of elementary students. Courses such as methods of teaching elementary school, classroom management, and child psychology are designed to prepare teacher candidates to be competent professionals who possess the professional and technical knowledge and skills to assess, plan, develop, implement and evaluate an elementary curriculum that promotes student engagement and learning.

The program in Middle School Education (grades 4-8) prepares teacher candidates to understand and meet the needs of the young adolescent. Candidates will specialize in mathematics or science. Courses such as adolescent psychology and middle school teaching strategies are designed to prepare these teacher candidates to become competent professionals who can guide and facilitate classroom interactions to meet the learning needs of this diverse population of students.

The programs in secondary education prepare teacher education candidates to understand and meet the needs of students in grades 6-12. Candidates gain specific content knowledge and teaching pedagogy to become competent professionals who can guide and facilitate secondary classroom interactions to meet the learning needs of a diverse population of students.

Students who transfer from other departments within the university must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must have a grade of “C” or better in each course.

Standards and Procedures for Admission to and Retention in the Teacher Education Program - Candidates majoring in education must complete all of the requirements in the following areas.

Portal I - Admission to the University

See the Admission section  for information about admission to the University.

Portal II - Criteria for Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Eligibility Requirements for Admission into the TEP are:

  1. Achievement of at least a 3.0 cumulative average in all coursework;
  2. Achievement of at least a “B” grade in coursework within the approved undergraduate program, with the exception of the general education requirements required by the university and the state for certification;
  3. Completion of all required developmental work;
  4. Achievement of passing scores on all parts of Praxis (Note that students with a composite of 22 on the ACT and 1030 on the SAT are exempt from Praxis I.);
  5. Membership in a professional organization specific to education (e.g., LAE/SP, LAHPERD, CEC/SP);
  6. Completion of a Background Check;
  7. Achievement of a satisfactory rating on an interview with the Teacher Education Admissions Committee; and
  8. Satisfactory review of an electronic professional development portfolio.

Students who are not initially admitted to the TEP may reapply for admission the next semester. However, applications from students who have been denied admission to the program twice will not be accepted. Students who do not get admitted into the TEP may not take junior- and senior-level education courses according to Louisiana’s legal regulations for education majors.

Students are eligible to continue their programs provided they meet the following strictly enforced criteria:

  1. Maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative average for all coursework;
  2. Receive grades of “B” or above in coursework within the approved undergraduate program, with the exception of the general education requirements required by the university and the state for teacher certification;
  3. Remain in good standing and not be placed on academic probation for two consecutive terms; and
  4. Maintain membership in at least one professional organization.

Portal III - Student Teaching–Standards and Admission Procedures

The eligibility requirements for Residency are:

  1. Formal acceptance into the Teacher Education Program;
  2. Receive grades of “B” and above in all coursework within the approved undergraduate program, with the exception of the general education requirements required by the university and the state for teacher certification;
  3. Complete a minimum of all required courses in the prescribed program of study (senior standing) with a cumulative average of 2.5 in all course work and 3.0 in courses in the major teaching field and professional education;
  4. Achievement of passing scores on appropriate Praxis II (content) and must have taken the PLT (grade level) exam;
  5. Maintain membership in at least one professional organization; and
  6. Complete a professional portfolio.

Registration for Residency
The applicant should file an application with the Coordinator of Clinical Practicums after securing proper clearance from his or her departmental advisor(s) and the Registrar’s Office. The deadline for submission of this application is the pre-registration period one full semester prior to the semester in which the student plans to complete residency.

Portal IV - Teacher Education Graduation

In order to graduate as a teacher education major and to obtain teacher certification, each candidate must:

  1. Achieve a 3.0 cumulative average for all coursework taken;
  2. Earn all grades of “B” in coursework within the approved undergraduate program, with the exception of the general education requirements required by the university and the state for teacher certification;
  3. Achieve a passing score on the PLT (grade level) exam;
  4. Maintain membership in at least one professional organization;
  5. Complete an electronic professional development portfolio; and
  6. Complete the application for certification.

Teaching Certificates - Application for a Louisiana teaching certificate is made in the Division of Education and Counseling Office.

Graduate Programs

Click here for more information on Graduate Programs  
