Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: University Catalog 2016-2017 Program: Curriculum and Instruction - Reading Specialist, M.A. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Curriculum and Instruction - Reading Specialist, M.A.

This advanced level program is designed to prepare the highly qualified, certified classroom teacher with the skills necessary to effectively teach reading in grades K-12. This program meets current Louisiana state requirements for coursework leading to add-on certification as a Reading Specialist.

Required Courses

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
EDCG 5000 - Statistics
EDCG 5083 - Special Problems in Research
EDCG 5010 - Research Methodology
GENG 5160 - Writing Across the Curriculum
EDCI 5130 - Foundations of Reading Instruction
EDCI 5810 - Special Topics in Literacy Education
EDCI 5170 - Diagnostic/Prescriptive Reading Instruction
EDCI 5200 - Practicum in Reading
EDCI 5210 - Clinical Practicum in Reading
EDCI 5820 - Advanced Seminar in Children’s Literature
EDCG 5775 - School-Age Language Learning Problems
EDCI 5140 - Teaching Reading in the Content Area


EDCI 5700 - Thesis Writing


EDCI 5999 - Comprehensive Examination in Curriculum and Instruction

Total Hours: 36-39


Students must register for comprehensive examinations at the beginning of the semester in which they expect to complete their program of study.
